HVILKEN BOK? Winger av Andrew Smith
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A teen at boarding school grapples with life, love, and rugby in a heartbreakingly funny novel.
Ryan Dean West is a fourteen-year-old junior at a boarding school for rich kids. He's living in Opportunity Hall, the dorm for troublemakers, and rooming with the biggest bully on the rugby team. And he's madly in love with his best friend Annie, who thinks of him as a little boy.
With the help of his sense of humor, rugby buddies, and his penchant for doodling comics, Ryan Dean manages to survive life's complications and even find some happiness along the way. But when the unthinkable happens, he has to figure out how to hold on to what's important, even when it feels like everything has fallen apart.
Ryan Dean West is a fourteen-year-old junior at a boarding school for rich kids. He's living in Opportunity Hall, the dorm for troublemakers, and rooming with the biggest bully on the rugby team. And he's madly in love with his best friend Annie, who thinks of him as a little boy.
With the help of his sense of humor, rugby buddies, and his penchant for doodling comics, Ryan Dean manages to survive life's complications and even find some happiness along the way. But when the unthinkable happens, he has to figure out how to hold on to what's important, even when it feels like everything has fallen apart.
HVA SYNS JEG? Boken er tvers igjennom morsom, krydret med små tegneserier som hovedpersonen, Ryan Dean West, lager etter hvert som problemene tårner seg opp for ham. Han er tørrvittig og lynkjapp i replikken samtidig som han er omtenksom og hundre prosent lojal mot sine venner. Et sterkt vennskap vokser fram mellom Ryan Dean og Joey, som har sine egne utfordringer å hanskes med, og jeg syns boken er utrolig velskrevet. Selv om det å være ung i USA virker ganske fjernt fra hverdagen for unge her i Norge er det mange ting man kan kjenne seg igjen i, og slutten kom som en bombe for min del. Jeg hadde ikke sett den komme, og den løftet boken til et enda høyere nivå. Skulle jeg gitt terningkast hadde det blitt en sekser!!

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