I have just finished one of the best books I have ever read. It's about time travelling (my favorite), and I read constantly. Tamara Ireland Stone has written a lovestory that now has a special place in my heart - and I know now that a small part of my heart will always stay sixteen. Longing for the first kiss, imagening how it will feel....

Anna is sixteen in 1995, fiercely determined to leave her quiet town and finally travel the world. Bennett's seventeen in 2012, living in San Francisco and trying to control his ability to travel through time - an incredible gift, but also an unpredictable curse, which constantly threatens to separate him from the people he loves.
"Time between us" has everything. A touch of magic and a solid story all at once. I couldn't wait to find out how they met, where they would go and how the loose threads would be tied in the end. And the best part is that there will be a book number two out in october :):)
Have you read it?
I dag prøver jeg meg på en liten bokomtale på engelsk. Av og til er det gøy å titte innom utenlandske bokblogger og hos Bookjourney finner man hver mandag mange av dem på samme plass. Jeg har nettopp lest "Time between us" av Tamara Ireland Stone, en bok om mitt favoritt-tema; tidsreiser, og den var helt fantastisk!!!

Jeg elsker bøker med tidsreiser også. Så denne må jeg nok få tak i så jeg kan lese den snart. Det er faktisk flere nordmenn (kvinner) som deltar i mandag-bloggen til Sheila hver uke :)
SvarSlettLexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews
I haven't read it but how can I resist after your comment "one of the best books I have ever read." I love time travel too, so it's going straight on my wishlist :)
SvarSlettHave a great week and happy reading!
That's a big recommendation....I can't ignore that! Off to add it to my Amazon list.
SvarSlettHere's my It's Monday!
That book sounds good!
SvarSlett"Best book ever" comments grab my attention and I will be on the look out for this book.
SvarSlettI haven't read it but will be adding it to my wishlist. Come see my Monday Report if you get a chance. Have a great week!
SvarSlettIt is wonderful to finish a book with such a sense of satisfaction.
SvarSlett-Dilettantish Reader
Time travel books are so fun! I really liked the book Q by Evan Mandery. The narrator is approached by an older version of himself and told that he must not marry his girlfriend.
SvarSlettHave a fantastic week and thanks for visiting Literary Lindsey!
Tidsreiser kan jo ikke være feil tema, kjempespennende!:)Skal helt klart leses etterhvert. Ha en fin mandag!:)
SvarSlettDenne har jeg allerede notert meg, tusen takk for boktips!
SvarSlettI haven't read this but it sure sounds like a book I'd like. Thanks for the review!
SvarSlettWow, your header photo is gorgeous!!
SvarSlettThis book sounds so beautiful - I will have to check it out, and time travel isn't my normal reading interest. But you make it sound so good! :)
Oh my gosh, that makes me feel old. Traveling all the way back to 1995, huh? I was starting my senior year of high school. O_o It does sound intriguing and I'm glad you read something you loved! Enjoy your week!
SvarSlettI haven't read this though I recently read something with a similar premise - Transcendence by CJ Omolou.
SvarSlettThanks for stopping by earlier!
Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out